Our mission—creating professional dancers and promoting love of dance through inspired performances—is a costly endeavor. We have numerous expenses that include theater costs, costumes, lighting, music, advertising, administrative support, choreography, and classes, among others.
We are fortunate to have an extremely dedicated group of parents who provide significant support, in a variety of ways, for NW Fusion. Unfortunately, their enthusiastic support is not enough to cover all of Fusion's costs. To bridge the gap in our budget and thus make it possible to fulfill our mission, we depend on outside financial help. In short, Fusion depends on financial support from generous donors like you who appreciate the importance of art and the mission of NW Fusion.
NW Fusion welcomes gifts of any amount. To help you realize the maximum return on your investment, we gratefully accept tax-deductible donations through Friends of NW Fusion, a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Through this all-volunteer organization, which is aptly nicknamed "Friends," donors can not only make tax-smart contributions and feel great about supporting the arts, but also have the satisfaction of knowing that 100 percent of their gifts are used to support NW Fusion Dance Company.
NW Fusion welcomes contributions from individuals, businesses, local and national foundations and government programs. With the assistance of our generous donors, Fusion can perform new works and reach wider audiences in the community.
Up to $99
Supporter$100 - $499
Member$500 - $1,000
Recognition in the NW Fusion Program
Invitation to join us while a dance is set on the NW Fusion Dancers
NW Fusion performs a dance of your choice at your favorite charity event
Benefactor$10,000 or more
NW Fusion performs up to four dances at your choice of venue and event